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PRIMA HOME: Wirtualne dni otwarte online
PRIMA HOME: Wirtualne dni otwarte online
Maj 14@10:00 – 17:00
INFORMACJA OD ORGANIZATORA: Open House Prima Power and Prima Additive We are pleased to welcome you to the Virtual Open House Live Event! Always at work for you is our motto to keep the relationship with you stronger and stronger. None of us can fly over the world in these days, so we fly directly[...]
TRUMPF: Wirtualne „Dni Otwarte” – INTECH 2020
TRUMPF: Wirtualne „Dni Otwarte” – INTECH 2020
Maj 26@08:30 – Maj 29@17:00
INFORMACJA OD ORGANIZATORA: Firma TRUMPF zaprasza na wirtualne „Dni Otwarte” – INTECH 2020, które odbędą się w dniach 26-29.05.2020 r. w godz. 8.30 – 17.00. Będzie można odbyć wirtualny spacer po siedzibie firmy oraz porozmawiać na żywo z jej ekspertami. Welcome to our digital INTECH Be TRUMPF’s guest, it’s totally digital this year! Get up[...]
PRIMA HOME: Wirtualne dni otwarte online
PRIMA HOME: Wirtualne dni otwarte online
Maj 28@09:00 – 18:00
INFORMACJA OD ORGANIZATORA: Open House Prima Power Systems 30 Years Welcome to experience the outstanding performance of Prima Power Systems. The development work started already in 1990, when the first automatic flexible manufacturing systems were installed at customer premises. Today we are a technology partner with one of the widest range of solutions for sheet[...]