HALTER: Zobacz, jak prosta jest obsługa robota CNC i jak obliczyć zwrot z inwestycji

13 października 2020
Kiedy: 20 Październik 2020@21:00 – 23:00

HALTER ZAPRASZA NA SZKOLENIA W JĘZYKU ANGIELSKIM. This month we are organizing two interesting online workshops in which we will give you explanations and useful tips on the simplicity and efficiency of the CNC loading robot. Workshop 1: How simple can operating a loading robot be? Workshop 2: How do I calculate the payback period[…]

20 Październik 2020@21:00 – 23:00
HALTER: Zobacz, jak prosta jest obsługa robota CNC i jak obliczyć zwrot z inwestycji


This month we are organizing two interesting online workshops in which we will give you explanations and useful tips on the simplicity and efficiency of the CNC loading robot.

  • Workshop 1: How simple can operating a loading robot be?
  • Workshop 2: How do I calculate the payback period of a loading robot for my CNC machine?

The online workshops take half an hour each and are given to companies indivually, so we have a limited number of slots available.


Interested in attending an online workshop? Then register quickly and hopefully we will see you at one of these sessions.


How simple can operating a loading robot be?

CNC automation experts Rainer Menzel and Frans Fontein use an online demo to show how easy it is to operate a loading robot. They demonstrate this live using the HALTER SmartControl and the HALTER LoadAssistant. You will learn how to switch from one series to another simply and quickly, within a few minutes. Your own specific situation will also be discussed.

  • 30 minutes, individually per company
  • October 20, 21 or 22

Limited slots available


How do I calculate the payback period of a loading robot for my CNC machine?


Wouter van Halteren, founder and CEO of Halter CNC Automation, explains how the Return of Investment (ROI) can be calculated using a calculation he has developed. At the end of the workshop you will receive a report with the calculation and access to the online ROI tool. Your own specific situation will also be discussed.

  • 30 minutes, individually per company
  • October 20, 21 or 22

Limited slots available